Customize your Blythe doll: matte face

I totally understand the anxiety of personalizing one of your Blythe dolls.

The customization of the Blythes has become a hobby for the most fanatical, as well as using them as models for the best photographs. If you’re like me, you do not like the pan-like look on your Blythe’s face (because of the brightness created by the reflection of light), nuance is the solution.

Of course, there is a lot of love placed on your Blythe doll to want to hurt her in case you spoil things. Let’s start with something easy for newbies who are customizing their Blythes for the first time.

4 steps to nuance the face of your Blythe

The preferred method is to use a sanding sponge. It is recommended that you use Norton sanding sponges in fine and extra fine. Protect your eyes with a pair of lenses.

Step 1. Cut the sandpaper into small rectangular pieces and make a test on the back of the head with the fine sanding sponge.

Step 2. Try circular movements, if you see scratches, the paper of the sandpaper is too thick. You can proceed to sand it all over your face, but remember to do it with love, or you can change the contours of your face.

Step 3. Keep in mind that sanding the face of your doll Blythe will remove your makeup. So, if you want to keep your eyeshadow and your rouge, remember to stay away from those areas. When you have finished sanding with the fine sponge, go with the extra fine sponge to obtain a smooth and impeccable finish.

Step 4. Finally, use a soft T-shirt to rub it, returning a little shine to your face.

This is one of the simplest customizations you can make on your Blythe doll for excellent results.




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