Blythe Tutorials: hair maintenance

It may be that when you acquire a new Blythe doll you are born wanting to improve your hair in a certain way. If you want to curl or smooth it, make it softer or even paint it. Good news: Restoring Blythes hair to make it soft and manageable is a very simple task.

All you have to do is wash it with regular shampoo, rinse with hot water, condition it and leave it while using a straight tooth comb to make sure all the threads are covered. Rinse with hot water (or leave a little if the texture is very bad), then rinse with cold water and cut or cut if you want the hair of your Blythe doll.

Then comb it in the way you want and wrap it in the original plastic or fabric and let it dry and wait for the best! So far this method has been successful and for the really crude synthetic hair it uses a little fabric softener after conditioning and rinsing.

Steam Ironing Technique

This technique is based on that you have to stretch the hair between a wet towel and an iron to shape the hair. This technique is widely used by beginners and experts in the customization of Blythes dolls.

Never allow the hot iron to touch the synthetic hair directly, it will melt.

You will see that this technique leaves the strand of straight hair with great movement and even if the hair is left in pig tails, once it is removed it becomes completely straight again.

To paint the hair

You will need a Coolcat rubber scalp.

1 box of powder dye for makeup.

2 cups of hot water, one tablespoon of salt and one tablespoon of washing powder, soak for 10 minutes or less depending on the depth of color desired and ready.




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